
Publication 29/11/2018 -

Impulse: Drivers of innovation for digital business models


PLATTFORM PUBLICATION - This impulse presents the current status of discussions within Plattform Industrie 4.0’s Working Group on Digital Business Models. It is meant to serve as a basis for further discussions and cannot be considered final.

Cover of the publication "Drivers of innovation for digital business models"

The discussion of Industrie 4.0 contribution to value creation is increasingly focusing on mechanisms and architectures of digital business models. Key questions being discussed by government, scientists, business associations and the social partners alike are the added value of digital business models to German industry, and how it can increase Germany’s competitiveness and quality of life. Plattform Industrie 4.0 has therefore set up a new Working Group on Digital Business Models in Industrie 4.0 to address these questions and provide stimulus for action.

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