
Publication 04/09/2019 -

Position Paper 2030 Vision for Industrie 4.0


PUBLICATION OF THE PLATFORM - Plattform Industrie 4.0 and its partners present a vision that shows what Industry 4.0 should look like in 2030. Sovereignty, interoperability and sustainability are the guidelines for the digital ecosystems of the future.

Topics 2030 Vision
Cover der Publikation "Positionspapier Leitbild" (EN)

Experts from Platform Industrie 4.0 have jointly developed a vision 2030 for Industrie 4.0. Because Industrie 4.0 is more than just a business or technology topic. It secures our competitiveness through complex, digital business models in flexible and globally networked value creation systems. Moreover, it is indispensable if we as a society in Germany, Europe and the world want to increase our quality of life through digital transformation. The three pillars of the concept of "autonomy, interoperability and sustainability" are a contribution to the discussion. From this dialogue we would like to learn how we can shape global digital ecosystems together.

Deutsche Version

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