
Publication 01/04/2019 -

Faster to Market Success - Memorandum of the Plattform Industrie 4.0 Research Council for a More Agile and Flexible Innovation System in Germany


PLATFORM PUBLICATION - In this Memorandum, the Research Council refers to the German innovation system as a framework where new innovations emerge in the form of products, processes, services or business models. Driven by the digital revolution, development methods along the innovation chain become more agile and more interdisciplinary. This acceleration of research and development processes has strong effects on our existing powerful innovation system in Germany.

Cover of the publication "Faster to Market Success - Memorandum of the Plattform Industrie 4.0 Research Council for a More Agile and Flexible Innovation System in Germany"

The Memorandum of the Research Council points out how to further develop the innovation system which builds on existing strengths and to link basic and applied research even closer. Thus, we need a more sophisticated innovation system which is founded on new forms of cooperation that are agile, interdisciplinary, learning-based and long-term. With the aim of a faster market success of innovations, the innovation system has to enable research institutions and enterprises of every level of technological maturity to collaborate and to compete internationally in future.
Hence, the Research Council calls for attractive spaces with innovation-oriented infrastructure to be created, new forms of collaboration to be enabled and new forms of innovation to be facilitated.

Deutsche Version

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