
Publication 25/05/2022 -

Joint White Paper on common strategy for Interoperability for Industrie 4.0 based on AAS This publication is a result of a joint Sub-Working Group “(1) International Standard Development (incl. AAS)” of the Korean-German Cooperation.


Joint White Paper on common strategy for Interoperability for Industrie 4.0 based on AAS

With the evolution of technology, changes in smart manufacturing and society are rapidly accelerating. Standardization is a key issue for the success of a smart manufacturing vision of the industries in Korea and Germany. Industrie 4.0 (I 4.0) and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) require an unprecedented degree of system integration across domain borders, hierarchy borders and life cycle phases. This is only possible if it proceeds from standards and specifications based on consensus. It is critical to consider the standardization as a basis for open and interoperable system architectures for industrial implementation of the vision of smart manufacturing.

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