
Publication 08/11/2022 -

Information Model for Capabilities, Skills & Services
Definition of terminology and proposal for a technology-independent information model for capabilities and skills in flexible manufacturing


The discussion paper of the working group "Semantic and Interaction of I4.0 Components" of Plattform Industrie 4.0 presents a new information model on capabilities, skills and services (CSS model). It creates an understanding of how these three elements can be optimally used for new production concepts (e.g. shared production) and as a basis for future standardization activities.

Topics Standards
Cover Information Model for Capabilities, Skills & Services

In the discussion paper of the working group "Semantics and Interaction of I4.0 Components" of Plattform Industrie 4.0, you will gain deep insights into the model, how it works, its potential and the challenges it poses for "Smart Production". Smart Production means above all adaptation, efficiency and flexibility. To meet these requirements, a machine-readable description of manufacturing functions is needed. This description must be based on a clearly defined model. The Capabilities Skills and Service Model (CSS model) makes a significant contribution to meeting these challenges. The model combines industrial requirements with initial practical experience, the current status of industrial research and possible technological implementation.

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